SNAKESKIN MAG is live! a zine for creative liberation & collective aid
SNAKESKIN MAG is officially live! This e-zine is a powerful collection of creative expression, centering personal and collective liberation. 50% of proceeds support Palestinian aid through the MATW Project. Get your copy on a sliding scale starting at $5.

wholeness: the art of embracing life as it is
Creativity, too, moves in cycles. Inspiration and stagnation, flow and resistance, expression and introspection. To live in wholeness means recognizing that the contraction we instinctively want to avoid is actually necessary for the expansion we often crave. Like jellyfish drifting through the ocean, the contraction is what sets the stage for the expansive propulsion forward. The darkness we resist is often the very thing that shapes the light we seek.

money as energy, money as liberation
To me, money is energy. It does not belong to anyone. It is an energetic resource that moves freely when in alignment and can become stagnant when hoarded or blocked.

your creative power & the liberation of all beings
The specific challenges YOU have faced in YOUR life have endowed you with the exact wisdom needed to wield your own personal medicine —your gift, your voice, your offering to the collective whole.

your old patterns aren’t failures - they’re invitations, and here’s why.
how many times have you caught yourself frustrated by your own actions, especially when these actions are not aligned with what you consciously intend to do?
You know - actions that feel destructive, unproductive, unhelpful...
especially when you would much rather be channeling energy to your creative outlets, instead, you often find yourself fighting yourself not to do something (like stop scrolling on your phone, already! or stop lashing out at your partner, already!), or to do something you're not doing (like get to writing that story, already! or get to the gym, already!)
What if those frustrating, self-sabotaging patterns weren’t actually failures—but messages you better pay attention to?
What if, instead of fighting yourself to break them, you could understand them, or even transform them into fuel for your creativity?

what's the unexpected gift in your emotional struggles?
ever got caught in the cycle of frustration, capitalism, and unmet creative desires?
do you ever notice yourself in a really dark place, psychologically?
where you're just MAD at the world and everything in it including yourself, really frustrated, about the way things are with capitalism and oppression and exploitation and how the world is going to shit and also at the same time beating yourself up about how you have a hard time functioning and being productive and being a ~good exploitable worker bee~ and getting mad at that too.
questioning how you thought you wanted to be creative, because even that doesn't seem to be fun or interesting right now. and getting mad at that too!
yeah, it's tough.
and there's no immediate answer, and the world kinda really sucks when you're in that place... but can I offer you a perspective?

on revolutionary love
the matrix we currently exist in preys on our instinctual nature as primates to fear uncertainty, change, and death and chase after pleasure. momentary dopamine hits from scrolling on social media, achievements made up of our own hubris, and intense chemical concoctions in processed food get us through the dearth of actual human, face-to-face connection.