on reciprocity

“The Hebrew word Tzedakah is one of my favorites to highlight the connection between finances and spirituality. Often translated as meaning charity, it really means something more like distributing your money in a way that aligns with divine reality. Divine reality is that every living being deserves care, safety, agency, and the resources to make it happen.”

-Jessie Susannah Karnatz, The Money Witch

Dear reader,

As per the beautiful quote above, I am dedicated to distributing my money in a way that aligns with divine reality, or that every living being deserves care, safety, agency, and the resources to make it happen.

This has been the case even before I “became conscious.”

When I would take my underpriced drawing commissions back in 2020, I would be sure to donate a percentage (usually 15-30%) of the proceeds to an urgent cause, such as Yemen Aid, Black Lives Matter, or local community support.

While my current capacity to do so waxes and wanes, fundamentally I care deeply about supporting those who are less advantaged and have a burning, passionate desire to do so.

It is my honest dream to one day become so wealthy that I can freely distribute consistent financial support to my community, to those in need, and to those who will be in my shoes today, whether that be 10, 20, 30+ years from now.

I envision this support to take the form of grants for disadvantaged creatives, free or low-cost community workshops to increase accessibility to supportive practices and tools for navigating life, funding necessities for community members, and more!

I dream big, and the sky is the limit.

I commit to never losing sight of my desire to uplift marginalized communities, and I trust that I will not, as this journey to becoming an affluent sponsor is a key part of my personal process of claiming my nonbinary gender identity, and arose from inherited centuries worth of witnessing patriarchal domination in my own ancestral lineage.

This page will be periodically updated with details on SNAKESKIN’s contributions to humanity as my financial situation changes.

Thank you for being here on this journey with us.

Yaerin Kweon

selected contributions

  • starting 6.15.2024 I am contributing $5 a month to a community fund going to a single Black mother in Florida.


a treasured memory from Jan 1, 2023 :)