custom offer for Brandon Flores-Lewis

Dear Brandon,

Thank you so much again for the fun and exciting conversation we had last week! I really hope that we can keep this fire going. To that end, I would like to offer you the following custom package for your needs as a DJ/musician/event host.

As a reminder, the design services I offer are special because they are grounded in my intuitive and observational capacities in order to tailor the visual branding to resonate with the energy of what you are bringing into the world.

This is why the package includes two 1.5 hour intuitive explorations, which will be open-ended conversations where you are invited to bring forth anything and everything about your lived experience, your art, and how it’s all connected for you.

I am here to serve you in channeling a visual language that is grounded in a solid comprehension of your true signal in order to authentically communicate your message and grow your reach to maximize impact.

I bring my energetic, investigative, and intuitive abilities to my illustration, graphic design, and software knowledge in order to witness, identify, and transcribe YOUR creative soul essence that vibrates at the frequency of YOUR brand, YOUR purpose, YOUR soul. 

what’s included

  • Two 1.5 hour intuitive explorations into your vision, mission, brand, and purpose ~ $444 ea

  • Moodboard capturing the energy/themes of your musical brand as a groundwork for design assets - complimentary

    • 1 revision available

  • Files delivered via Google Drive

    • Branding document .pdf containing

      • Your suite of custom logos adapted for various formats in .png
        (primary, horizontal, small use, avatar, favicon, etc.) ~ $444

        • up to 2 rounds of revisions for logo design (in sketch phase)

      • Brand color palette containing core and secondary colors

    • 2 VJ loops (4, 8, or 16 seconds depending on concept) ~ $333 ea

      • note: 3D options are limited

      • up to 2 rounds of revisions for both loops

total cost - $1998 $1111


  • sign contract and complete initial deposit of $555

  • schedule intuitive explorations

  • moodboard generation and review

  • custom logo sketch up + review rounds (up to 2)

  • vector logo generation in Adobe Illustrator

  • VJ loop concept discussion + review round (up to 1)

  • VJ loop generation and review round (up to 1)

  • remainder of payment and file delivery

thank you for reading!

If you would like to proceed, please review, sign, and email me this agreement.
I will then proceed with generating the PayPal invoice, after which we can get started!

I’m really excited to work with you!

I am always available for any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.
