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    SNAKESKIN is led by the values of internal alignment, curiosity, and grounded liberation.

    INTERNAL ALIGNMENT refers to making sure it’s all in order in-house, first.
    Grounded in our bodies, discerning of what is being called in, feeling at peace with it all.
    Accepting of the present moment, and moving from there in a state of surrender with the universal currents of energy that are always flowing in the direction of our most benevolent outcome.

    CURIOSITY means asking questions. Openness over defensive contraction. Turning towards diverse perspectives and voices. Rather than taking things as they have been presented to us by authorities and their limiting beliefs, curiosity means cultivating the desire to know what’s happening under the surface.

    GROUNDED LIBERATION is about choosing self-trust over doubt. Committing to creative solutions over repeating old patterns and turning towards infinite potentialities, novel solutions, and new possibilities that have never been seen before.
    This newness can be painful; we ground this in honoring the sacrifices of our past selves and forebears for making it possible for us to be here, in this moment, embracing the beautiful now.

    Currently, SNAKESKIN offerings include intuitive branding services for soul-led businesses, love letters, and intentional tattoos.

    Thank you for choosing to be here.